R&D parliamentary front launches

A parliamentary front aimed at improving Brazil’s legislation around research and development (R&D) and innovation has been launched today. One of the objectives of the front, which is composed by more than 200 congress people, is to boost sci-tech funding from the current 1% of Brazil’s GDP to 2,5%, the average seen in developed countries.

“Another concern of the front is the establishment of legal frameworks that provide security, stability and agility to the process of knowledge generation and its transformation into products, processes and services to society,” says Paulo Piau, the congressman coordinating the group.

The group also seeks to maintain a permanent channel of communication with the organizations that play a significant role in Brazilian research and innovation, while strengthening and consolidating their presence in the Congress. Another goal is to promote the allocation of budgetary and financial resources for scientific and technological development of the country.

Meanwhile, a similar initiative has been launched to regulate outsourced work in Brazil, with IT services receiving special attention.

Image by quapan licensed under Creative Commons.

About Mark Hillary

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