WEF: End of day report – where are the women?

It’s the end of the second day at the World Economic Forum on Latin America in Rio de Janeiro – though this was the first day that the media were allowed in, so for us it was the end of the first day… Angelica Mari was there all day and here she gives an audio run down on what happened in Rio today.

There was new research from PWC featuring the opinion of over 1,200 global chief executives, focused on issues in Brazil. Skills, and the challenge in finding enough of them, was on the agenda frequently today. Have you ever wondered why more women get degrees in Latin America than men, yet who gets all the senior jobs?

Angelica was particularly pleased to meet Brazilian foreign minister Antonio Patriota today because he promised to read her book ‘Quem mexeu no meu emprego?‘… or ‘Who moved my job?’ in English.

If the minister likes it, I’m sure we can arrange a discount for him when he places a bulk order…

Photo by Lew Holzman licensed under Creative Commons

About Mark Hillary

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